Using gold nanoparticles for drug delivery
Using bio-resources, scientists from the Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT), Hyderabad, have synthesised eco-friendly gold nanoparticles which could be used as carriers for delivering anti-cancer drugs and also for diagnosing the disease.
Developed from leaf extracts, the biocompatible nanoparticles have shown promising results and inhibited cancer cells proliferation in lung and breast cancer cell lines. In the first instance, they have used leaves of Bhringaraj (Eclipta alba), a herbal plant.
While gold nanoparticles could be developed by chemical methods, the inherent problem in that approach was of toxicity. “But here we are using a green chemistry approach. It is environmental-friendly because the solvent we are using is water. It is a simple, clean, efficient and low-cost method,” said Dr. Chittaranjan Patra, Scientist, Ramanujan Fellow , IICT.
Explaining the importance of using gold, he said it has been used from time immemorial. “We have a long history of using gold as a medicinal agent in Ayurveda. More than 1,000 years ago it was used as a nanoparticle (swarnabhasma). At that time, there were no sophisticated instruments and that is why people did not know that it was a gold nanoparticle,” he observed.
He said the gold nanoparticle was bio-compatible, easy to synthesise and multiple cancer drugs could be loaded. It could reduce the toxicity of the anti-cancer drug, increase its efficacy and ensure better retention of the drug in the blood system. “When conjugated with gold nanoparticle, the anti-cancer drug could stay for more time in the tumour and enhance the therapeutic efficacy,” he added.
With the addition of a fluorescent molecule, it could be used to detect the position of the tumour.
Dr. Patra said the Bhringaraj-extracted bio-compatible gold nanoparticle was used to deliver an FDA-approved anti-cancer drug —Doxorubicin into lung and breast cancer cell lines. It showed that the drug inhibits tumour cells proliferation even at a low dose.
Besides Bhringaraj, the other leaf extract used was that of Olax scandens. The biomolecule present in the extract helped the nanoparticle to stabilise for more than a month. It was stable in different physiological media with different pH. “This plant extract contains some anti-cancer biomolecules which are conjugated with gold nanoparticles during synthesis. That nanoconjugate helps in inhibiting proliferation of tumour cells,” he added. The work was published in RSC Advances journal.
The O. scandens extract also contained some fluorescent molecules that enabled the scientists to see the shiny image in cancer cell lines. “This nano bio-conjugate could also be used for diagnosis in addition to delivering anti-cancer drugs,” he added.
IICT scientists now propose to use the gold nanoparticles in vivo in mice. “Biosafety of nanoparticles is very important for clinical trials. That’s why we are going to start in a mice model,” Dr. Patra said.
टिप्पणी --
From: A P Joshi <>
Date: Thu, May 23, 2013 at 3:13 PM
Subject: Were the ayurveda/siddha metal bhasmas good for curing diseases?
Date: Thu, May 23, 2013 at 3:13 PM
Subject: Were the ayurveda/siddha metal bhasmas good for curing diseases?
i think that this is a pioneering work by IICT showing that the heavy metals in bhasmas, if properly made, functioned as nano particles and delivered the ayurvedic/siddha medicine where it was needed
here they have covered gold. but similar studies should also be made for other heavy and poisonous metals like mercury, lead, copper etc. because we may find that for a particular disease each metal works in a different way. note that even diamond bhasma is used for some problems like clogged arteries.
Dear Shri. Apteji,
Namaskar !
I want to present a totally different point of view to look at the so-called medicines (including Allopathy, Ayurved, Homeopathy etc.etc. & etc.). This is absolutely on the back ground of Nature Cure a totally drugless therapy, as well as the basic knowledge of Basic Principles taught in Chemistry.
Every patient approaching towards Nature Cure is a 4th hand patient i.e. Alloapthy, Ayurved, Homeopathy, then dev-devaski, mantra-tantra, navas-sayas, gande-dore, tawit, chha-chhu, fa-fu etc. (which can be called as Tirupathy in order to match the Yamak of Alloapthy and Homeopathy). It is the experience of many like me that in spite of this back ground of not satisfying by the so many medicinal therapies, depending upon his constitution, status of his ailment, vitality etc. the patient is either relieved of many of his symptoms or totally cured. Mother Nature has designed our body to digest the food created by the Mother Nature and non else which is taught even in zoology by the classification of animals as Herbivorous, Carnivorous & Omnivorous. Also, the Nitrogen Cycle also confirms this as vegetable products are our food & our waste is their food.Many a time we here Scientists saying that poisons in very small doses are medicines & Chemistry says that ' The smallest possible particle Atom represents all the characters of that element. Now, considering this principle when we use the same particle as a medicine when we say that ' It represents all the characters of that elements means GOOD OR BAD - Both.' As per my memory some 35 or 40 years back when banning of certain drugs started in our country it did not included only allopathic drugs but UP or Mp Govt. had banned some of the Ayirvedic drugs also, I have myself read the news & it is not Kahi Sunai.A know A Senior Homeopath (unfortunately he is no more now) who suffered of a severe chronic eczima which resulted as the after effect of some Homeopathic drug of mercury compound base & according to him its potecy was as low as 1/ 60,00,000, 4 doses per day for about 4 months & it out bersted as eczima after abot 12 to 15 yrs.
According to a principle in Toxicology ' The single tablet of an ordinary drug may cause you cancer after 40 yrs. or in the ressasive mutation it may affect the foetus of the child after several generations.' And for this principle only the Laws of FDA are formed. If the history of Medicinal Science is scanned we understand that time & again it has been proved that 'yesterdays Wonder Drugs are proved to be Poisons Afterwards & either they were officially banned or stoopped being used.
While carrying out the researches like this which we are discussing here in these historical events need to be considered very seriously. But, it appeares that it is not & we are commiting the same mistakes again & again.
I do not want to say that what ever I have mentioned here must be accepted as it is but, I have presented it on the background of my study & experience in Nature Cure as well as my professional currier in a renowned pharma industry
as a Scientist in Quality Assuerence Dept. for 12 yrs.
as a Scientist in Quality Assuerence Dept. for 12 yrs.
Apteji as you are doing this type of awareness work very seriously, I just thought that I should put forth my point of view. Hoping in reply about your comments.
With regards.
Dr. Ashok Jhamwar
From: Mukund Apte <>
To: Col (Retd) Satish C Dewan <>; Abhijit Sengupta <>; R Singh <>; Srinivasan Kalyanaraman <>; Dr Ashok Babulal Jhanvar <>; Shri P Deivamuthu <>; Ganesh Apte <>; Prof G. C. Asnani <>; L B Thapa <>; vasant banahatti <>; Col(Retd) Balwant Nagesh Godbole <>; Lt Gen (Retd) B T Pandit VrC <>; Col (Retd) Ashok Kher <>; Subramanyam V A <>; Murugan Subbiah <>; Brig.Harwant Singh <>; Ravi Palsokar <>; Vinay Joshi <>; Abhishek Joshi <>; Mukul Kanitkar <>; shiv prasad <>; Mrs Shubhada R Deshmukh <>; Maj (Retd) S Y Kaluskar <>; Satish Sonalkar <>; Vijay Bedekar <>; Dr Vijay R Gadgil <>; Bhagavaandaas Tyaagi <>; Durga Shankar Nagda-FL-Udr <>; " " < >; Dr Shrirang Arvind Godbole <>; Col (Retd) N Viswanathan <>; Dr C P Trivedi <>; Kumar Arun <>; Satbir Singh <>; Satish Kumar Bahri <>; Col Thakur Singh <>; Milind A Joshirao <>; Thirumala Raya Halemane <>; Dr. Madhukar Ambekar <>; Col Ullhas Parab <>; mukund limaye <>; Col (Retd) Sudhir Barge <>; Kamal Khanna <>; Col (Retd) Ashok P. Kulkarni <>; Anand Gogate <>; Girish A. Kale <>; Ravi Joshi <>; Brig (Retd) A D Chaubal <>; Mahesh Apte <>; Phadke Subodhkumar <>; Ravi Narasimhan <>; Lt Col Harish Nagpal <>; Shri M K Pande <>; Anil Sunita <>; R P Singh Rana Col <>; Kewal Ahluwalia <>; Tilak Shrestha <>; Cr Sundar <>; vasant sardesai <>; Satish Oberoi <>; S Kumar <>; Satyashray Hasabnis < >
Sent: Thursday, 23 May 2013 5:32 PM
Subject: Fwd: Were the ayurveda/siddha metal bhasmas good for curing diseases?
To: Col (Retd) Satish C Dewan <>; Abhijit Sengupta <>; R Singh <>; Srinivasan Kalyanaraman <>; Dr Ashok Babulal Jhanvar <>; Shri P Deivamuthu <>; Ganesh Apte <>; Prof G. C. Asnani <>; L B Thapa <>; vasant banahatti <>; Col(Retd) Balwant Nagesh Godbole <>; Lt Gen (Retd) B T Pandit VrC <>; Col (Retd) Ashok Kher <>; Subramanyam V A <>; Murugan Subbiah <>; Brig.Harwant Singh <>; Ravi Palsokar <>; Vinay Joshi <>; Abhishek Joshi <>; Mukul Kanitkar <>; shiv prasad <>; Mrs Shubhada R Deshmukh <>; Maj (Retd) S Y Kaluskar <>; Satish Sonalkar <>; Vijay Bedekar <>; Dr Vijay R Gadgil <>; Bhagavaandaas Tyaagi <>; Durga Shankar Nagda-FL-Udr <>; "bharatswabhimantrust@gmail.
Sent: Thursday, 23 May 2013 5:32 PM
Subject: Fwd: Were the ayurveda/siddha metal bhasmas good for curing diseases?
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