International Institute of Mahayoga & Natural Hygiene
It is common to see so many people calling themselves Naturopaths, use some quotes from other concepts and mix it in their texts or talks. But students of Sarma school of Nature Cure are better informed and do not mix methods. while bathua can be eaten individually and it can be used as a medicine. The difference between food and medicine is the quantity of usage. When well a sumptuous quantity of this food can be taken to nourish the body. When ill a medicinal (small) quantity can cleanse the body and lead one to wellness. Just because it comes from a plant, it cannot become a wonder drug unless it qualifies as a food that can be eaten individually without any side effects.
Ginger does not qualify to be a food and hence not even a medicine. The concept of killing cancer cells is alien to Nature Cure. We do not have to kill any cancer cells. We only have to eliminate them from our body. It can be done successfully and has been done so many thousands of times in patients who followed our principles of Unity. That is what makes Nature Cure better than all other systems. Any attempt to kill cancer cells without understanding the purpose of life and the causes that makes it happen is useless. Nature Cure students do not talk of killing cancer cells. Only focus on ways of improving overall health all the time.
Arun Sharma
On Sun, Oct 12, 2014 at 2:17 AM, ashok jhamwar <> wrote:
Dear Prof. Apte Sir !
Namaskar !
I 100% agree with what ever you have said, which is also a well known belief in our country. As a Naturopath, except a few points, I differ in opinion.
(1) Aajibaicha Batwa - Even though the back ground & basis of this batwa is Ayurvedic The basis is Naturopathic, Ayurvedic as well as as per the quotation of Hippocrates. There is a saying in English & every where that "People on right lines think alike." And that is why we find many common things, principles is many religions, cultures & countries. In those days (i.e. centuries ago) the ways & means of transport & communications were not as today, so this common Indian belief of whatever found in other places of world similar to that of our culture was taken or stolen from our country only is not at all correct. The naturopathic concept of food medicine, statement of Hippocrates " Let thy food be thy medicine & let thy medicine be thy food" and the ayurvedic principle "If you manage your diet (i.e. pathya / parahage) medicine is not necessary & if you could not manage your diet, medicine is of no use." Sir ! don't you think these are the same principles presented in different words ? Even there is a confusion in our people that because the ingredients of Ajibaicha Baewa are medicinal we should combine most of them or all of them together & use them in our daily food, so that it will be the most Healthy Food in the world. But. Sir ! this combination is called as Masala & by our experience we know that Masala is catagorized as a Tamasic Food as per the concept of Bhagwad Gita - Adhyay 17 - Satwik, rajasic & Tamasic. The ingredients should be or become sing-ally as part & the parcel of our food is the Nature Cure concept of right & wrong combination of foods.
(2) As per the history of Hippocrates, which we naturopaths have learnt that he became popular because he use to prescribe his patients Fasting, Dietetic Rightousness & Water Treatment which now since 19 & 20th century we have started calling initially as New Science of Healing Nature Cure & now as Nature Cure. This science was discovered by common men in Germany, which then got propagated & developed in Europe, spread & again got developed in US & then came to Asia & India because of M. Gandhi via Africa. (A little change here or there.)
Now, when it came here Acharya K. Lakshaman Sarma of Pudukkottai, tamil nadu was the first person to show Indian & foreigner Naturopaths that these principles were in our culture through Vedas, Upanishadas, Puranas, Gita & other religious scriptures. Not only that he has proved that the ORIGINAL AYURVED is NATURE CURE only & not the ayurved which is practiced now. It is Swasthavrutta, The concept of Pathya which I have mentionde above, Langhanam Paramaushadham & as per Acharya Charaka - according to some of the Vaidyas Basti is half treatment & some other Vaidyas claim that Basti is The Complete treatment. You will find that none of the Vaidyas are following these 4 basic treatments, neither as preventive nor as curative. Basti which is being followed today is as a part of Pachakarma & not separately as a complete treatment in the contest of Acharya Charaka. And the vary Basic Of Nature Cure is these 4 treatments. If we compare these 2 things in Allopathic terms we can say - If the present Ayurveda is Basic Antibiotics, then Nature Cure is BROAD SPECTRUM ANTIBIOTICS.
Sir ! please think over & if possible give me your feed back.
Thnak you .
With regards.
Dr. Ashok Jhamwar
On Saturday, 11 October 2014 7:22 AM, Mukund Apte <> wrote:
Dear Sir,
You are very right in what you are saying. But note our (traditional) kitchen cabinets contain so many items preventing as well as healing illnesses that we used to have what you called (आजीबाईचा बटवा in Marathi) Granny's pouch full of such items to keep us, her grandchildren always free from illnesses.Instead approaching these Modern Medicine doctors, we must go back to our traditional living. Are you aware that Modern medical students take oath in the name of Greek healer Hippocrates. They give us strong chemicals as medicines and these medicines create havoc in our body. But his well known statement is "Let my medicine be my food and let my food be my Medicine" He must have visited Bhaarat and studied healing here under Bhaarateey वैद्य during his life, to say so, don't you agree Sir?
With regards,
------Mukund Apte
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It is common to see so many people calling themselves Naturopaths, use some quotes from other concepts and mix it in their texts or talks. But students of Sarma school of Nature Cure are better informed and do not mix methods. while bathua can be eaten individually and it can be used as a medicine. The difference between food and medicine is the quantity of usage. When well a sumptuous quantity of this food can be taken to nourish the body. When ill a medicinal (small) quantity can cleanse the body and lead one to wellness. Just because it comes from a plant, it cannot become a wonder drug unless it qualifies as a food that can be eaten individually without any side effects.
Ginger does not qualify to be a food and hence not even a medicine. The concept of killing cancer cells is alien to Nature Cure. We do not have to kill any cancer cells. We only have to eliminate them from our body. It can be done successfully and has been done so many thousands of times in patients who followed our principles of Unity. That is what makes Nature Cure better than all other systems. Any attempt to kill cancer cells without understanding the purpose of life and the causes that makes it happen is useless. Nature Cure students do not talk of killing cancer cells. Only focus on ways of improving overall health all the time.
Arun Sharma
On Sun, Oct 12, 2014 at 2:17 AM, ashok jhamwar <> wrote:
Dear Prof. Apte Sir !Namaskar !I 100% agree with what ever you have said, which is also a well known belief in our country. As a Naturopath, except a few points, I differ in opinion.(1) Aajibaicha Batwa - Even though the back ground & basis of this batwa is Ayurvedic The basis is Naturopathic, Ayurvedic as well as as per the quotation of Hippocrates. There is a saying in English & every where that "People on right lines think alike." And that is why we find many common things, principles is many religions, cultures & countries. In those days (i.e. centuries ago) the ways & means of transport & communications were not as today, so this common Indian belief of whatever found in other places of world similar to that of our culture was taken or stolen from our country only is not at all correct. The naturopathic concept of food medicine, statement of Hippocrates " Let thy food be thy medicine & let thy medicine be thy food" and the ayurvedic principle "If you manage your diet (i.e. pathya / parahage) medicine is not necessary & if you could not manage your diet, medicine is of no use." Sir ! don't you think these are the same principles presented in different words ? Even there is a confusion in our people that because the ingredients of Ajibaicha Baewa are medicinal we should combine most of them or all of them together & use them in our daily food, so that it will be the most Healthy Food in the world. But. Sir ! this combination is called as Masala & by our experience we know that Masala is catagorized as a Tamasic Food as per the concept of Bhagwad Gita - Adhyay 17 - Satwik, rajasic & Tamasic. The ingredients should be or become sing-ally as part & the parcel of our food is the Nature Cure concept of right & wrong combination of foods.(2) As per the history of Hippocrates, which we naturopaths have learnt that he became popular because he use to prescribe his patients Fasting, Dietetic Rightousness & Water Treatment which now since 19 & 20th century we have started calling initially as New Science of Healing Nature Cure & now as Nature Cure. This science was discovered by common men in Germany, which then got propagated & developed in Europe, spread & again got developed in US & then came to Asia & India because of M. Gandhi via Africa. (A little change here or there.)Now, when it came here Acharya K. Lakshaman Sarma of Pudukkottai, tamil nadu was the first person to show Indian & foreigner Naturopaths that these principles were in our culture through Vedas, Upanishadas, Puranas, Gita & other religious scriptures. Not only that he has proved that the ORIGINAL AYURVED is NATURE CURE only & not the ayurved which is practiced now. It is Swasthavrutta, The concept of Pathya which I have mentionde above, Langhanam Paramaushadham & as per Acharya Charaka - according to some of the Vaidyas Basti is half treatment & some other Vaidyas claim that Basti is The Complete treatment. You will find that none of the Vaidyas are following these 4 basic treatments, neither as preventive nor as curative. Basti which is being followed today is as a part of Pachakarma & not separately as a complete treatment in the contest of Acharya Charaka. And the vary Basic Of Nature Cure is these 4 treatments. If we compare these 2 things in Allopathic terms we can say - If the present Ayurveda is Basic Antibiotics, then Nature Cure is BROAD SPECTRUM ANTIBIOTICS.Sir ! please think over & if possible give me your feed back.Thnak you .With regards.Dr. Ashok JhamwarOn Saturday, 11 October 2014 7:22 AM, Mukund Apte <> wrote:Dear Sir,You are very right in what you are saying. But note our (traditional) kitchen cabinets contain so many items preventing as well as healing illnesses that we used to have what you called (आजीबाईचा बटवा in Marathi) Granny's pouch full of such items to keep us, her grandchildren always free from illnesses.Instead approaching these Modern Medicine doctors, we must go back to our traditional living. Are you aware that Modern medical students take oath in the name of Greek healer Hippocrates. They give us strong chemicals as medicines and these medicines create havoc in our body. But his well known statement is "Let my medicine be my food and let my food be my Medicine" He must have visited Bhaarat and studied healing here under Bhaarateey वैद्य during his life, to say so, don't you agree Sir?With regards,------Mukund Apte
Ginger Root Kills Ovarian & Prostate Cancer Cells Better than Chemotherapy
Thanks to research from the University of Michigan and nearly three centuries of medicinal use, we can now utilize ginger root to not only kill ovarian cancer cells, but also prostate cancer cells with zero toxicity.
Truly among the great medicines of the world, ginger has long been used to treat inflammation and nausea, but the results presented in a session at the American Association for Cancer Research show that in every single instance where ginger powder was used to treat cancer cells, they all died as a result of being exposed to the compound. In medical lingo this is called apoptosis (cancer cell suicide.) When ginger is present, the cells even attack one another, called autophagy
While ginger has been deemed a great natural remedy for those who are undergoing chemotherapy, it can also be used in larger quantities to treat cancer of its own accord.
Another study showing ginger’s ability to fight ovarian cancer concludes with:
“Ginger inhibits growth and modulates secretion of angiogenic factors in ovarian cancer cells. The use of dietary agents such as ginger may have potential in the treatment and prevention of ovarian cancer.”
Ginger has also been proven to treatprostate cancer. The British Journal of Nutrition published the results of an American study recently in which ginger extract (zingiber officinale) killed human prostate cancer cells while healthy prostate cells were left alone. Whole ginger extract was revealed to shrink prostate tumor size by a whopping 56%
Further adding to the benefits of ginger, the spice has no toxicity when consumed even in high doses, and does not cause people to endure the very uncomfortable side effects of chemo and radiation treatments. The American Cancer Society admits that more than 15% of men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer, and more than 20,000 American women will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer this year. Many of these cases can be helped with ginger root.
While Big Pharma would have these men and women endure very invasive treatments, some simple ginger root powder can cause their cancer cells to commit a certain death.