शनिवार, 19 सितंबर 2020

द एंड ऑफ मॉडर्न मेडिसिन....

 द एंड ऑफ मॉडर्न मेडिसिन.....

मॉडर्न मेडिसिन(एलोपेथी) आज चिकित्सा के क्षेत्र में शिखर पर है| परंतु विगत कुछ वर्षों में चिकित्सा के हर क्षेत्र मे एलोपेथी की असफलता अब सर चढ़ कर बोलने लगी है| कोरोना महामारी ने इस बात को बिलकुल स्पष्ट कर दिया है| 1910 में अमरीका के डॉ॰ अब्राहम फ्लेक्सनर ने एक साजिस के तहत पर मॉडर्न मेडिकल सायन्स के वैज्ञानिक होने का दावा किया था, एवं उर्वरित सभी चिकित्सा पद्धतियों को अवैज्ञानिक करार देते हुये उन्हे बन्द करने की शिफारिश की थी| 1945 की यूनो(UNO)की अल्मा-अट्टा समिट में स्वास्थ्य की परिभाषा करते हुये (एक अंश में) शरीर में बीमारी न होना ही स्वास्थ्य माना गया था| मानव इतिहास मे ऐसा कोई वक्त न रहा जब जब शरीर में अथवा मानव जीवन में कोई समस्या न रही हो| परंतु हर उस समस्या को ठीक करनेवाला डॉक्टर चौबीसों घण्टे मनुष्य की रक्षा करता रहा है, जिसका नाम है-“प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली”| मानव शरीर के किसी अंग या व्यवस्था में स्वास्थ्य का अभाव ही बिमारी होती है| हमारी प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली हर हाल में हमे स्वस्थ बनाये रखने की भरसक कोशिश करती है| दुनिया की कोई भी औषधी हमारे प्रतिरक्षा तंत्र को मजबूत किये बिना स्वास्थ्य को ठीक नही कर सकती| किसी भी अंग या व्यवस्था के स्वास्थ्य मे सुधार किये बिना उस अंग अथवा व्यवस्था के किसी भी रोग को ठीक करना संभव नही होता|  

  स्वास्थ्य की व्याख्या ही गलत हुयी तो उसके लिए परीक्षण एवं उपचार उचित कैसे हो सकते है| यहाँ से शुरू हुआ चेक-अप का गोरख बिजनेस जो आज दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा बिसनेस बन चुका है| मॉडर्न मेडिसीन में चेक अप के नाम से करीब एक हजार प्रकार के परीक्षण विभिन्न पद्धतीयो से कराये जाते है| जिसका किसी बीमार को स्वस्थ करने मे 1% से ज्यादा योगदान नहीं है| परंतु ऐसे परीक्षणों पर प्रतिदिन हजारो अरब रुपये रुग्नों से खर्च कराये जाते है| लोगो को ये समझाया जाता है की इन परीक्षणों से बीमारी का पता (diagnosis)चलता है| आज का पढ़ा-लिखा अभिजन वर्ग यही समझ लेता है की बीमारी का पता चल गया है और उपचार शुरू हो जाएगा तो सब ठीक हो जाएगा| परंतु यह बात स्वास्थ्य के क्षेत्र मे विशुद्ध रूप से अनुपयुक्त है| यह कोई नहीं जानता की बीमारी पता चलने से कुछ भी हासिल नहीं होता, बीमारी को ठीक करना हो तो असके मूल कारणों का कारण पता चलना चाहिए| कारण का उपचार करने से ही बीमारी ठीक होना संभव है| मेडिकल सायन्स के किसी भी परीक्षण मे बीमारी का मूल कारण कभी भी पता नहीं चलता, पता चलता है बीमारी का परिणाम| बीमारी के परिणाम याने रिज़ल्ट को ठीक करने से पूरी दुनियाँ मे आजतक मेडिकल सायन्स के उपचारों से एक भी बीमारी पूर्ण रूप से ठीक नहीं हो पायी है|

उपचार के रूप मे जो सिंथेटिक केमिकल्स मनुष्य के शरीर मे पहुचाए जाते है, उनका आर्थिक मूल्यांकन तो प्रतिदिन खरबो रूपयो में जाता है, जो वास्तव मे मनुष्य की मौत का सबसे बड़ा कारण बना हुआ है|  ADR माने “अड्व्हर्स ड्रग रियाक्शन” मॉडर्न मैडिसिन में आज एक भी दवाई ऐसी नहीं है जिसका मानव शरीर पर प्रतिकूल प्रभाव न पड़ता हो| फिर भी हर मनुष्य इन सिंथेटिक केमिकल्स को दवाइयाँ मानकर रोज सेवन कर रहा है| इस आशा में की मेरा इलाज बड़े वैज्ञानिक तरीकों से चल रहा है| वास्तव में इलाज की जगह केवल चलाखी से रुग्ण के लक्षणो को नष्ट किया जाता है जिससे रुग्नों को बीमारी का पता ही न चले| बीमारी शरीर में पलती रहे एवं औषधी बंद करने पर लक्षण पुन: तीव्रता से उत्पन्न होने लगे| जिससे रुग्ण घबराकर पुन: चिकित्सक के पास पहुच जाता है| औषधियों के डोस एवं नाम मे परिवर्तन कर पुन: औषधियाँ लेने को कहा जाता है| कभी लक्षणों की तीव्रता देखकर रुग्ण को अस्पताल में एड्मिट कर अधिक स्ट्रॉंग डोसेस देकर रुग्ण की पीड़ा कम कर दी जाती है| और चिकित्सा का यह खेल जीवनभर चलते रहता है| मेडिकल भाषा में इसे कहते है- “रिपिट द डोस टिल पेशण्ट डाइज़|” 

इसी तरह उच्च तकनीक ICCU, वेंटिलेटर्स आदि का परिणाम बीमारियों के उपचार मे बड़ा ही दु:खद साबित हुआ है| लोगो को यह समझाया जाता है की तकनीक रुग्नों के जीवन को बचाती है| परंतु समय के साथ इन उच्च तकनिकी का स्वास्थ्य लाभ में कोई ठोस उपयोग वैश्विक उच्चस्तरीय अंकेक्षण नही पाया गया है| अमेरिका, तथा यूरोप के जीन देशों मे चिकित्सा के दौरान उच्चस्तरीय तकनीक का उपयोग रुग्नों के लिए किया जाता रहा वहाँ पर लोगो का स्वास्थ्य अधिक खराब पाया गया है| सन 2007 के WHO के चौदह विकसित देशो के एक बृहद सर्व्हे में यही बात साबित हो चुकी है| जिसमे अमेरिका, कनाडा, यूके, फ्रांस, जर्मनी, इटली, चीन, रूस, जापान आदि देशो का समावेश है|   

स्वास्थ्य ठीक करने के स्थान पर रोगो को ठीक करने का मॉडर्न मेडिकल सायन्स का पूरा परिप्रेक्ष गलत दिशा में आगे बढ़ता चला गया| मॉडर्न मेडिसीन के उपचार मनुष्य का स्वास्थ्य ठीक करने के लिये नही किये जाते, आपितू बिमारीयो का पिछा करते है इसीलीये कभी भी सफलता नही पाते| बिमारी के लक्षणों को दबाकर रुग्नो की पीडा तो कम कर सकते है, लेकिन बिमारी मूल कारणों को कभी नही| बिमारी को ठीक करने से रुग्नो से होने वाली आर्थिक आय के रुकने का खतरा है| जो लालची डॉक्टर एवं अस्पताल कदापि नही चाहते| भौतिक विज्ञान, सिंथेटिक रसायन एवं उच्च तकनीक का सहारा लेकर मॉडर्न मैडिसिन विगत 60-70 वर्षो में आसमान की उचाइयाँ छूने लगा| पूरे विश्व ने अब ये मान लिया था की बस अब मौत की जितना ही शेष है(?) मॉडर्न मेडिकल सायन्स ने हर बीमारी हर समस्या का हल ढूंढ लिया है(?) दुनिया के हर बड़े-छोटे शहरों, कस्बों, गावों मे विशालकाय कार्पोरेट हॉस्पिटल, मेडिकल्स, हाइटेक पैथोलॉजी, X-ray MRI आदि की मानो शृंखला प्रारम्भ हुयी| भारत मे एम्स जैसे अत्याधुनिक उपकरणों से युक्त विशालतम अस्पताल, महाकाय एवं सभी सुविधाओं से युक्त सरकारी मेडिकल कॉलेज, हर जिले, तहसील मे विशेषज्ञ डॉक्टर, एंबुलन्स, सुसज्ज ऑपरेशन थियेटर तथा हर सुविधा से युक्त बड़े सरकारी अस्पताल, गाव तथा देहात में PHC, डॉक्टर, नर्स, आशा वर्कर, केमिस्ट, कंपाउंडर इनपर हरमाह खरबो रुपयों का सरकारी खर्च आदि| डॉक्टर्स को प्रशासन एवं समाज ने सर-आँखों पर बिठाया, कानून बनाकर हर तरह की सुरक्षा की गारंटी दी गयी| निजी अस्पतालो ने तो विगत पचास वर्षो मे प्रगति के सभी रेकॉर्ड तोड़ दिये| पूरे देश में छोटे क्लिनिक्स से लेकर बड़े अस्पतालों, मेडिकल स्टोर्स, पैथोलॉजी लैब, रेडिओलोजी आदि का बिजनेस बेहद तेज रफ्तार से बढ़ा है| “मेडिकल सायन्स ने इतनी उन्नती की है की अब समाज में कोई स्वस्थ व्यक्ति नही रह गया है|”

विश्व के अनेको प्रख्यात विचारको, चिकित्सक एवं शोधकर्ता डॉक्टर द्वारा मॉडर्न मेडिकल की सच्चाई उजागर कर विश्वसमाज चेताने जो कोशिश की है उसके कुछ अंश नीचे प्रस्तुत है|-

1 मॉडर्न मेडिसिन के अस्पताल पाप की भूमि है| डॉक्टर एवं अस्पताल के चलते मनुष्य स्वास्थ्य की अनदेखी कर अपना जीवन प्राकृतिक ढंग से नहीं जीता| अप्राकृतिक एवं अनैतिक जीवन जीने के गलत तरीको को यह सोचकर अपनाता है, कि कुछ हो गया तो डॉक्टर अस्पताल उसे बचा लेंगे| इसीलिए आधुनिक अस्पताल पाप की जड़ है| यह उद्योग मनुष्य की संकल्प शक्ति, मन, बुद्धि, शरीर को क्षीण करता है| मनुष्य को कमजोर बनाकर उसे मानवसेवा, स्वधर्म पालन एवं प्राकृतिक जीवन से दूर कर देता है| अंग्रेजोने गुलामी को मजबूत करने के लिए इस चिकित्सा पद्धतिकों जान-बूझकर हमारे मत्थे मढ़ा है| इसमे निर्दोष प्राणियों की हत्या, मांस, खून, तथा मद्य का उपयोग अधिक मात्रा मे किया जाता है, जिससे यह त्याज्य है| मनुष्य शरीर को प्रकृति स्वतः ठीक कर देती है(NATURE PROTECTS), उसी को ठीक करने का झूठा दावा डॉक्टर करता है, तथा उसके धन को लुटता है| 

     -हिन्द स्वराज; महात्मा गांधी

2  मॉडर्न मेडिकल सायन्स आकाश बेल की तरह है, जिसका कोई ठोस आधार नहीं है| यह मानव समाज में जहां जड़े जमा रही है उसके लिए खतरा बन गयी है| इसमें शरीर का तो वर्णन है, परंतु मन, बुद्धि, भावना, एवं आत्मा का कोई जिक्र नहीं है| इसीलिए यह एक आत्मा रहित चिकित्सा विज्ञान बन गयी है| 

डॉ। मनोज शर्मा 

HOD मौलाना मेडिकल कॉलेज।

3 मॉडर्न मेडिकल सायन्स ने डॉक्टर को दानव बना दिया है, मरीज को क्लाइंट बना दिया है| अस्पताल को इंडस्ट्री बना दिया है, समाज को रोगी बना दिया है| डॉ। संदीप जौहर, ह्रदयरोग विशेषज्ञ, वाशिंग्टन, अमेरिका

4  “Unfortunately, today, in the corporate hospitals set-up, this holy relationship between those two human beings no longer exists. It is like the assembly line work. Modern medicine, in this century, has become a corporate monstrosity, according to a study done in London by Hillary Butler.”

5  Recently, the present editor of LANCET, Richard Horton, appointed a medical historian to find out its impact on the medical profession after nearly 185 years. The report’s essence was that “doctors have now transformed themselves into a huge corporate monstrosity eating into mankind’s health all over the globe!” God save mankind from these greedy monsters.People dying from the care that they receive rather than the disease for which they are seeking care,” Makary said. The study is published in a recent issue of British Medical Journal (BMJ)

6  “Almost 50% of surgeries create drug-related complications and death. So far, “patients were coming to our hospital to lose their money and their lives,” wrote a noted cancer specialist.” “Late Barbara Starfield had commented in her excellent article in the Journal of American Medical Association. (JAMA) showing that the medical establishment was one of the most leading causes of death. 700 people dying daily due to medical errors and related mistakes in US hospitals only.”

7  The BMJ (originally known as the British Medical Journal) wrote that in the so-called swine flu saga, “the WHO was found in bed with the pharma lobby!” Who to trust in this world of science and technology? If the fence starts eating the crop, how does one survive?

8  “These days we don’t have doctors. We have specialists who know more and more about nothing,” Dr. B.M. HEGDE According to the eminent Professor medical insurance is the biggest curse. Instead people should ensure their health.

9  One wise man, Sir William Osler, had warned us that “the most important obligation of every doctor is to prevent or discourage patients from taking drugs!” Majority of these drugs are synthetic version of petro-chemicals.

10  “Establishment medicine, with little or no evidence to support their barbaric use of the highly toxic drugs, continues to make fortunes while their patients spend their last days vomiting, debilitated, baldheaded and without dignity.” Reductionist statistical non-science is good for business but bad for mankind. See what one thinking Nobel Laureate in medicine- Robert Willner and Richard J Roberts

11  The consequences have been devastating. Modern medicine, through over prescription, represents a major threat to public health. Peter Gøtzsche, co–founder of the reputed Cochrane Collaboration, estimates that prescribed medication is the third most common cause of death globally after heart disease and cancer.

12  “A recent BBC documentary shows the dangers of doctors prescribing too many medicines and doing so many unnecessary tests that they are damaging human health, to a great extent.”

Using the name of science you can fool some people for some time, but not all people for all times. The hospital has grown from then to becoming one of the biggest corporate monstrosities, making huge profits at patient’s misery!(

13 Intensive-care units (ICUs), a relatively recent invention in Western medical emergency care management of critically ill patients, have been of dubious value ever since these were introduced on the logic that more care is better care. The truth, however, is otherwise. 

14  We have the ICU ism of the 21st century sending terminal illness patients to heaven through their ICUs thereby making the family poor at the end of the day, some of them with heavy debts. The so-called intensive-care therapy is not all that pleasant for the patient. Rather, 

it could be a real torture.

15  “Almost everyone who took statins (atorvas, aromac, rosuvas etc.) suffered not one but multiple side-effects “It’s discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit.”— Noël Coward, Blithe Spirit.” Cochrane database in the UK shows that, by the age 50, nearly 47% of the people are on one to three pills that do not help them but could have given them new side-effects and newer diseases. Early bypass surgery increases the risk of stroke. A French study has shown that using statins (cholesterol lowering drugs) could be dangerous.  

16  Business power succeeded over truth with the (in)famous Abraham Flexner report of 1910 which gave medicine its ‘scientific’ label. Truth is that Western medicine is non-science and power play. Once a patient, always a patient! Additionally, many of them get iatrogenic illnesses added on!

17  Medicalising death is another big money spinner. The last 10 days of the dying contribute to 90% of the corporate hospital profits in the ICCU (intensive cardiac care units). One must read Atul Gawande’s wonderful book Being Mortal

18  Grace Elizabeth Jackson, a young psychiatry professor in New York, lost her job for revealing this in her book, Dementia - A Drug-induced Crime by Doctors on Mankind! One can go on. While the psychiatrists are the darlings of the pharma lobby, others are not excluded. Unless we dissolve this doctor-pharma lobby marriage, mankind has a difficult future. Many drugs used in psychiatric treatment are the main culprit for suicidal tendencies. When the tendency for suicide is stimulated, they make the person compulsively suicidal. Students in the United States who killed their teachers and peers, were also on psychiatric drugs!

19  “ALMOST 70% CANCER PETIENTS ARE WROGLY DIGNOSISED” Everybody has cancer rogue cells, but it rarely ever becomes clinical cancer. They can remain in the body for 10 to 15 years before turning into cancer. Asymptomatic cancer should be left alone. If you meddle with it, it will kill you. It is not just about prostrate cancer, but also about other cancers too. Hardin Jones of the New York Academy of Sciences said, “My studies have proved conclusively that untreated cancer patients live up to four times longer, than treated patients.”Chemotherapy doesn’t work. Multitude of cancer patients treated with the chemotherapy die horrific deaths. After investigating this further, Dr Jones found that cancer patients who underwent chemotherapy actually died prematurely. Dr Jones exposed a fact that the conventional cancer industry doesn’t want the world to know  as it about its multi-billion-dollar cash cow.

20  One country introduced a quarterly dental check-up free of cost for its citizens of all ages, some years ago. A decade later, audit showed that the country had the highest dental illness in the world! Unwarranted interventions made life miserable for their citizens. A recent study showed that investigation and over-intervention seem to be the biggest curse on seriously sick patients in the intensive care units (ICUs). The study published in JAMA (The Journal of American Medical Association) Internal Medicine, in December 2018.

21 The Times of India carried an article that said, “Annual health check-ups don’t necessarily save lives, says a new Cochrane review of medical trials. Be it overall deaths or deaths specifically from killer diseases such as cancer and heart ailments, the review said the check-ups don’t make much of a difference.” 

22 When one is healthy one should avoid any kind of check-up for any reason. In addition to the lack of clear benefit, general health checks potentially cause harm. Healthcare is the biggest industry: a check-up is sure to make you a patient forever “Much of your pain is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sickself. - Khalil Gibran American College of Physician (ACP) says on its website this year that apperantely healthy people without symptoms should not be investigated to rule out heart disease. The effort is unless and might unnecessarily creat cardiac neurosis worse than heart attack. 

23  If one has a two-camera angiogram facility, where all the so-called blocks are simultaneously viewed from two angles at 90 degrees to each other, even the 90% block might just be only 10% block from another angle. No hospital has that facility either, as it will cut down their angioplasty indications to less than 20%! How can they show a profit to their shareholders? Since 80% of positive stress-ECG results turn out to be false positives after angiogram. Dr Phadke says this is part of standard medicine textbooks but scientific principles are violated under commercial pressures. 

23 “If one goes to a high school and screen all the students with an angiogram, it will be found that 76% of them will have pre-vessel block. If you don’t have a block, you will die before the age of 30. When you have a block, it means protection. This is called pre condition. But doctors, after seeing that you have money to spend and a medical insurance, will suggest all kinds of tests and surgeries for the same blockages.” Dr.B.M.Hegde. TRUTH IS ALWAYS SUPPRESSED BY BUSINESS.

24  If an asymptomatic person having hyperglycaemia is treated with drugs, it will expedite death. Metabolism Studies have shown that it is much better to control diabetes with diet and exercise than with drugs. Exercise does not have to be strenuous as many people believe. Even regular exercise makes diabetics get better. “Sugar has nothing to do with diabetes,” opined Richard Kahn, the chief medical and scientific officer, of the American Diabetes Association recently in an interview to the editor of an organization in America called the Consumer Alert. Diabetes, which has been now shown to be easily curable, was shown to be non-curable by the industry to sell drugs life-long!

25  British Medical Journal wrote an article entitled:“Doctors going on strike will improve society’s health”. The do it-fix it attitude of the medical establishment does not allow the human body’s built-in wisdom to work. The BMJ (originally known as the British Medical Journal) wrote that in the so-called swine flu saga, “the WHO was found in bed with the pharma lobby!” Who to trust in this world of science and technology? If the fence starts eating the crop, how does one survive? Fear fobia is the biggest tool in the hand of medical industry.

26  This is not surprising as, according to German professor Jerg Blech, in his celebrated book Inventing Disease and Pushing Pills: Pharmaceutical Companies and the Medicalisation of Normal Life, hypertension started as a disease after drug companies invented drugs to lower BP in the 1930s with the launch of the ‘Well Man’ clinics inside mobile vans equipped with BP apparatus to check the BP of people for free, by young, charming nurses. Initially, these vans were parked outside churches and shopping malls. Thus, a new disease was invented!

27  A 14-country study showed that where there were more doctors per capita in the US and Europe,  but mortality was higher, health of the population worse and longevity lower compared to countries with very few doctors per capita like in Japan. (Journal of the American Medical Association)

28 The body’s immune system tries to correct all abnormalities under all circumstances without external help. “Because drug companies often are not as interested in healing you as in getting your money, so that investigation, suddenly, is diverted to the discovery of drugs that do not heal completely, but chronify the disease and make you experience an improvement that disappears when you stop taking the drug.”  “The drug that completely cures is not profitable,” says Roberts.

29  If modern western reductionist medicine is that holy, why have we not been able to cure any disease so far and why have we added millions of sufferers from adverse drug reactions, one of the leading causes of death?

30  There is no evidence in the UK-MRFIT STUDY to show that drug-induced lowering of BP is good for health. The data shows the normal BP levels in the society and not drug-induced BP levels. So, this data does not give credence to the claims that we should lower the BP to 130/80 to get better results than keeping it at 140/90. Now, it is clear in retrospect that all these guidelines, which skeep changing frequently, are based on individual opinions that have no documented scientific basis.

31  But Dr Leon Eisenberg, the then chairman of the American Psychiatric Association, in his ripe old age of 88, dying of cancer, could no longer control his guilt. He, apparently, confessed that there is no disease called ADHD. It was created by him to please the manufacturer of the drug Ritalin for increasing its sales. He admitted that the company had been paying him millions of dollars all his life!

31  Grace Elizabeth Jackson, a young psychiatry professor in New York, lost her job for revealing this in her book, Dementia - A Drug-induced Crime by Doctors on Mankind! One can go on. While the psychiatrists are the darlings of the pharma lobby, others are not excluded. Unless we dissolve this doctor-pharma lobby marriage, mankind has a difficult future.

32  But our healthcare system has failed to keep to this gold standard of clinical practice for the most important goal of improving patient health outcomes. The consequences have been devastating. Modern medicine, through over prescription, represents a major threat to public health. Peter Gøtzsche, co–founder of the reputed Cochrane Collaboration, estimates that prescribed medication is the third most common cause of death globally after heart disease and cancer.

33  On 16th October, The Times of India carried an article that said, “Annual health check-ups don’t necessarily save lives, says a new Cochrane review of medical trials. Be it overall deaths or deaths specifically from killer diseases such as cancer and heart ailments, the review said the check-ups don’t make much of a difference.”

34  Since 80% of positive stress-ECG results turn out to be false positives after angiogram. Dr Phadke says this is part of standard medicine textbooks but scientific principles are violated under commercial pressures. He says that other examples of virtually useless screening tests are: pre-operative ECG and chest X-ray in low-risk individuals, serum PSA (prostrate-specific antigen) as a test to detect prostate malignancy, mammogram as a test for breast cancer for women even below 50 years of age. 

35 Dr Hegde, a Padma Bhushan awardee and one of India’s most qualified doctors, cites a few eye-popping facts. “If an asymptomatic person having hyperglycaemia is treated with drugs, it will expedite death. Early bypass surgery increases the risk of stroke. A French study has shown that using statins (cholesterol lowering drugs) could be dangerous.”

 “So, almost all our angioplasties are done unnecessarily. The epicardial vessel blocks (shown to patients and relatives to frighten them) do not usually critically restrict heart muscle blood flow which takes place through collateral vessels (nature’s bypass) and the perforating coronary vessels dilation (coronary reserve) when needed in young healthy individuals. This process is well oiled in nature, called pre-conditioning, helping patients to get over the blocks.”

“Many adults and some children living in metros will test false positive for mantoux TB screening test, but do not really need treatment. If given medication, there can be significant debilitating side-effects. The key to good health is to find a good doctor, rather than rushing to experts. As Dr Hegde says, “If your family doctor is a good human being, you will live comfortably for the time you are destined in this world.”

36  “Knowledge,” said Karl Popper “advances NOT by repeating known facts, but by refuting false dogmas.” Science is change. Every single hypothesis is true until refuted by new knowledge. Knowledge today, in the medical field, is replaced by information, resulting in doctors relying only on information and not wisdom. The so-called evidence-based medicine really is evidence burdened. 

37  This is not surprising as, according to German professor Jerg Blech, in his celebrated book Inventing Disease and Pushing Pills: Pharmaceutical Companies and the Medicalisation of Normal Life, hypertension started as a disease after drug companies invented drugs to lower BP in the 1930s with the launch of the ‘Well Man’ clinics inside mobile vans equipped with BP apparatus to check the BP of people for free, by young, charming nurses. Initially, these vans were parked outside churches and shopping malls. Thus, a new disease was invented!

38  There is no evidence in the MRFIT data to show that drug-induced lowering of BP is good for health. The data shows the normal BP levels in the society and not drug-induced BP levels. So, this data does not give credence to the claims that we should lower the BP to 130/80 to get better results than keeping it at 140/90. Now, it is clear in retrospect that all these guidelines, which skeep changing frequently, are based on individual opinions that have no documented scientific basis.

39  Illness depresses the human immune system. This is worsened by antibiotics and other drugs that the patients are injected with which destroys the main organ that keeps our immune system fit, viz., the human gut. When the gut starves, the gut bacterial flora changes; the friendly germs die in large numbers.

40  A 14-country study showed that where there were more doctors per capita in the US and Europe,  but mortality was higher, health of the population worse and longevity lower compared to countries with very few doctors per capita like in Japan. (Journal of the American Medical Association

42 We need a good audit on what we do to patients in an emergency. Nature has in-built mechanisms to keep a person alive after severe injury like auto-transfusion, auto-infusion, autonomic system mediated redistribution of the circulation, clotting cascade and supply of extra energy through neo-glucogenesis and many other changes that we are yet to comprehend.

43 Martin Makary, a professor of surgery at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine who led a research, said in an interview that People dying from the care that they receive rather than the disease for which they are seeking care. The study is published in a recent issue of British Medical Journal (BMJ).

44  There is an epidemic of mumps at the Harvard University threatening their new entrants this time; but that does not make news because the epidemic occurred in fully vaccinated students and shows the vaccine claims to be a fraud! Spreading that truth would hurt the most powerful vaccine industry.

45 Now billionaires are funding immune system booster research to convert “death into chronic disease status. God save the hapless patients in hospitals. So far, “patients were coming to our hospital to lose their money and their lives,” wrote a noted cancer specialist. Now, they might not die but become permanent patients for the cancer industry which is much more lucrative than quick death for cancer patients.

46  If modern western reductionist medicine is that holy, why have we not been able to cure any disease so far and why have we added millions of sufferers from adverse drug reactions, one of the leading causes of death? 

47  I shall quote here another great western scientist who got not one but TWO Nobel prizes, Linus Pauling. He once said and repeated it several times that “Everyone should know that most cancer research is largely a fraud, and that the major cancer research organisations are derelict in their duties to the people who support them.

48 Another Nobel Laureate, Albert Szent Gyorgi wrote that " I do not know what cancer is as cancer cells work like normal cells and I do not know how we can kill cancer cells without killing normal cells." Hardin Jones of the New York Academy of Sciences said, “My studies have proved conclusively that untreated cancer patients live up to four times longer, than treated patients.”

49  Robert Willner had this to say about modern medicine, “Establishment medicine, with little or no evidence to support their barbaric use of the highly toxic drugs, continues to make fortunes while their patients spend their last days vomiting, debilitated, baldheaded and without dignity.” Reductionist statistical non-science is good for business but bad for mankind. See what one thinking Nobel Laureate in medicine, (not dead western chemistry), Richard J Roberts, had to say about modern medicine:

50  “Because drug companies often are not as interested in healing you as in getting your money, so that investigation, suddenly, is diverted to the discovery of drugs that do not heal completely, but chronify the disease and make you experience an improvement that disappears when you stop taking the drug.”  

51 “The Dr The late Leon Eisenburgh, the man who ‘created’ attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) when he was the president of the American Psychiatry Nomenclature Committee, admitted just before his death, to clear his conscience, that there is no disease like ADHD. It was created by him to help a drug company in return for millions of dollars.“ug that completely cures is not profitable,” says Roberts.

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