रविवार, 14 जुलाई 2013

चलाना विदर्भ अभियान को (गोवंशवृद्धि के लिये)

How is the VIDARBHA ABHIYAN finally shaping ?
We will need a write up (and possibly brochure)

1.0 Backdrop
2.0 general Status of Cow 
2.1 1900 -1950
2.2 1950 -- Constitutional provisions
2.3 1950-2000
3.0 Learning from Cattle-Census
3.1 Broad summary of Cattle Census of 2002
3.2 Broad summary of Cattle Census of 2007
3.3  Broad summary of Cattle Census of 2012
4.0 Vidarbha--Abhiyan -- Need
4.1 Vidarbha -- Geography, Agro-climatic condition, History, Folk-lores on cow-keeping
4.2 Vidarbha -- Revenue-Districts, Tahsils, Villages, Gram Panchayats, 
4.3 Vidarbha -- district-wise Land Categorisation -- 
  • land under Unsettled Forests, hills, river-paths, 
  • land under measured (settled)  forests
  • land for grazing
  • land under agriculture
  • land under human settlement (Gaothan)
5.0 Vidarbha -- District-wise summary of cattle census
5.1 Vidarbha -- District-wise salient features of cattle census
6.0 Vision, Mission and Objectives of Vidarbha Abhiyan
6.1  FAQs on Vidarbha Abhiyan
6.2  On Outermost Circle No 1 -- Funding and Legal Arrangments
6.3  On next inner Circle No 2 -- Survey agencies, Training, NGO network
6.4  On  inner Circle No 3 -- Listing of schemes, Projects, their incharge
6.5  On  inner Circle No 4 -- 1 year, 5 yr and 20 yr Targets
6.6  Targets for -- No of farmers approached and their problems mitigated
6.7  Targets for -- Increase in each breed of cattle population
6.8  Targets for -- improvements in Vishuddha breed -- facility centers, VH 
6.9  Targets towards elimination of cow- slaughter in Vidarbha.
6.10 Target for research projects reg gavya chikitsa and other breed-improvement aspects 
7.0 A philosophical paradigm shift -- Time to check the premises for Development
7.1 Western economists's premise -- 4 aspects
7.1.1 Money earning by all means is the final goal
7.1.2 Agrarian and veterinary economies are low development, industry and service sector economy is high development
7.1.3 Centralisation, Capitalism, Monopolisation bring development
7.1.4 Knowledge is the source of highest of monetisation. Hence knowledge sharing only on cost
7.2 Indian Premise -- largely opposite
7.2.1 Santosh is the goal not richness
7.2.2 Live with forest, nature, agro-economy
7.2.3 Decentralisation -- fair distribution of resources community ownership on resources
7.2.4 Free and wide distribution of knowledge as fundamental condition of progress
8.0 Are we ready for a paradigm shift ?
8.1  Why
8.2  How 
9.0 Towards a  mass movement for a paradigm shift
9.1  Integration of several practices
9.2  Role  of social traditions like Bhajan mandli

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